My "Station 9"

Station 9 is the busiest fire station in the US. They are responsible for the area called skid row. This is their story.
We are currently working very hard to produce this as a series. This blog is dedicated to that struggle.

Watch the Trailer


Brand New Year

As a brand new year has started so too has my enthusiasm. The last meeting went well. But that is as far as that has gone.  The meeting came and went.  Personally I am tired of meetings. It would seem that the only thing that gets accomplished in a meeting is the meeting. And sometimes that doesn't even happen.

If there is one thing that I have learned, be that through observation or through practice is that if you want something; if you really believe in something, there is nothing that will stand in your way to accomplish that goal.  Perhaps I had let the huge weight that this city and this industry can place weigh me down.  I allowed myself to fall into that trap of wait and see.  I took people at face value.  I believed in the wrong people and hoped for the best.  When all along it is only myself that I can count and only I that can drive my success.

What does all this have to do with Station 9 you ask?  Well Once I had made that realization I took action.  Not just physically but mentally. Once all that had settled in I made a decision to move on and stop settling for face value and I have stopped hosting my dreams at the mercy of others.

It was at that time that the gears started to roll again in our favor.  I say our because there are many of you out there that have been hoping and waiting for this project to get off the ground.  Well let me tell you where we are:
  •  Had a great meeting with the LAFD to reestablish my relationship.  Needless to say everyone is still on board and going strong.
  • Went back to Station 9 and meet with the latest crews that are there.  I'm filming some casting reels and some support footage that will heighten my ideas for the show.
  • Have had many meetings with some new agents that are right on and are willing to make this a priority.
Although some of this I have gone through before, maybe this will not work and the project will be held up again.  But I am confident that this will be the year.  I actually have made it my number one goal and I am doing all that I can to make sure that this time it happens.

Please show your support and leave a message or a comment. And as always let me know what you think.


  1. I think its great and you should put up another video the newest one is great!!!!!!
    Hope all goes well

  2. Thank goodness!! It's about time, too. I'm super excited that you're taking the initiative to get this done. FINALLY! I hope it works out this time.

    I work in L.A. (near City Hall), so sometimes I see these guys cruising by or during a call. Whenever I see them now, I think of your documentary! I can't believe it's taken this long, but man, good luck!!! And yes..please provide more vids when you can. Thx!

  3. Many members in the fire service stand behind you! Please continue your hard work to bring this to us all, so that we can see what our brothers of LAFD do everyday. But not only for us in the fire service, the everyday citizen as well. So that the other people in our society can understand what the job is like, but so people can see what poverty is also like as well.

  4. NorwegianEMT3/15/10, 5:09 PM

    I cant wait for this show, i hope i will be able to watch it online

  5. This was an amazing trailer. I've been watching it incessantly, and sent the link to my friends, too. Please know that we are all behind you on getting this out there! Good luck, and keep us updated!

  6. If you can't make it a tv series, why not a documentary straight to DVD?

  7. Any news????? We're still here for Station 9!!

  8. Is Station 9 still selling their Wine-o Nine-o station T-Shirts?

  9. Awesome project. Best of luck, I cannot wait to see it (hopefully in the near future!!)!
